Paper Title

Mobile Agent Based Open Cloud Computing - Federation and Task Management


  • Suraj Kumar Thakur
  • Mohit Kumar Maroti


Cloud Computing, Simplified Network, Federation, Mobile Agent Portability, Interoperability


"Cloud computing" is the next natural step in the evolution of on-demand information technology services and product.It is expected to provide quick, agile, stable, reliable services. Even though cloud has simplified cloudnetwork architecture, there is some complexity. Some of them are portability and interoperability between different Cloud Computing Services Providers. These problems handicap the widely deployment and quick development of cloudComputing. As a solution to these problems we put forward an inevitable approach "Open Cloud Computing Federation "for the wide use of cloud computing and to realize the value of it. In this paper we propose the MABOCCF mechanism. It will combinethe advantages ofMobile Agents andCloud Computing.ThusMABOCCFcan span over multiple heterogeneous Cloud Computing Platforms and realizes portability and interloper ability.In this paper we also present how cloud schedules user jobs and motivation for the combination of Mobile Agents and Cloud Computing.

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How To Cite

Suraj Kumar Thakur, Mohit Kumar Maroti. "Mobile Agent Based Open Cloud Computing - Federation and Task Management".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.3302-3305, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 3 

Pages. 3302-3305

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