Paper Title

Comparative Study of Concrete Mix Design by Adding Various Types of Admixtures


  • Jay H. Shah
  • Sachin B.Shah


Concrete mix design, Economical Admixtures Steel fiber, glass fiber, SBR-Latex Rice straw, Pieces of cement bags


Concrete reserved their seat in today’s modern materials. Concrete is a material used in building construction, consisting of a fine aggregate and a coarse aggregate that is bonded by cement and water with various types of admixtures which are available in market or from the waste materials. A mix design procedure for high-performance concrete mixes has been presented in this paper. Since economical parameters and compressive strength are fundamental properties of concrete in two different stages of production, the correlation between costing parameters and compressive strength has been used instead of using water-cement ratio versus compressive strength relationship. If we maintain the water-cement ratio and by adding various types of admixtures in concrete we can improve the compressive strength of concrete and also get more strength which will be very economical. In the proposed method, the designer is able to estimate parameters like compressive strength and economical costing at the design stage for a given target strength, in addition to ingredients of concrete.

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How To Cite

Jay H. Shah, Sachin B.Shah. "Comparative Study of Concrete Mix Design by Adding Various Types of Admixtures".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.3190-3193, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 3 

Pages. 3190-3193

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