Paper Title

ASIC Implementation of High Throughput PID Controller


  • Chavan Suyog
  • Sameer Nandagave
  • P.Arunkumar


PID, Han Carlson Adder, ASIC


In this paper we implemented the pipelined Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller using the ASIC Implementation. We used Han Carlson adder and pipelined multiplier to design the PID controller which results into the implemented design can be useful to the modern controlling operations which requires low power and improved speed performance. The implemented design is tuned and analyzed with frequency responses for various error coefficients values using the Matlab. The Controller algorithm is simulated and synthesized using Modelsim and Cadence RC Compiler and ASIC Implementation is done with Cadence Encounter tool. The results are compared with the traditional architecture in terms of power, speed and the area.

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How To Cite

Chavan Suyog, Sameer Nandagave, P.Arunkumar. "ASIC Implementation of High Throughput PID Controller".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.3055-3060, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 3 

Pages. 3055-3060

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