Rehabilitation of Slum:A Case Study of West Zone of Surat City
- Patel Achal Shaileshkumar
- Himanshu J. Padhya
One of the greatest challenges that India faces according to census 2011 is increasing population and urbanization. Population as per census 2011 is 1200 million making India the second most populate country of globe, after china. Rapid urbanization is direct result of rocketing population. One of the most chronic and intense problem of urban life is slums. Slums exist in almost every metropolitan city of the globe. Migration of the underprivileged, poor and unemployed from rural to urban centers and acute shortage of housing are the main attributes in the formation of slums. Slums are observed in different patterns, forms as well as shapes, occupied in urban vacant land wherever available and possible to put up the shanty shelter. Squatting and pavement dwelling is another form and is common phenomenon in the metropolitan areas. Many cities have slum population as high as 35% to 40%. The city of Surat is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. The present population of the city is 44.62 Lacs with an area of 326.52 sq. km. This paper highlights the sustainable planning for slum dwellers and their housing strategies. Slum population makes positive contribution to the city economy by active participation in productive activities. Efforts must be mobilized to control the future growth of unhygienic slums and improve living condition of the people. The physical and social well being is also of paramount importance in the growth of the city. Many researchers have derived general housing strategies for urban dwellers, but there is no such housing strategies for provide affordable housing to the slum dwellers. Therefore the study is carried on rehabilitation of existing slum pockets of various sites of west zone of Surat city.
Patel Achal Shaileshkumar, Himanshu J. Padhya. "Rehabilitation of Slum:A Case Study of West Zone of Surat City".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.2891-2896, URL :
Volume 2 Issue 3
Pages. 2891-2896