Paper Title

Power Flow Control Using Inter-Line Power Flow Controller


  • Trivedi Bhavin
  • Nehal Patel
  • Ajit Rathod
  • Mohammed Irfan Siddiqui
  • Shwetal Patel


Flexible AC Transmission System, Voltage Source Converter (VSC) , Static Synchronous Series Compensator, Inter-line Power Flow Controller(IPFC)


In the rapid development of the power system, the cost of transmission lines plays a vital role in the network society. Due to various practical constraints, the transmission lines are often only used for a fraction of it individual limits. To improve the economics of those constraints, one possibility would be to increase the value of the transmission lines by transport large amounts of energy through those lines. One solution to this problem will be a FACTS technology. For series compensation, an Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) is voltage source converter based FACTS controller with the unique ability to control the flow of energy between multiple transmission lines. An Objective of the dissertation is to investigate performance of IPFC on the two parallel transmission lines of 400 KV. The effectiveness of the controller on controlling the impedance of the transmission line and hence the power flows on system will be investigate using direct control strategy. IPFC has the capability of exchanging the real and reactive power with the system. The model of power system & controller is implemented using MATLAB software.

Article Type


How To Cite

Trivedi Bhavin, Nehal Patel, Ajit Rathod, Mohammed Irfan Siddiqui, Shwetal Patel. "Power Flow Control Using Inter-Line Power Flow Controller".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2841-2847, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2841-2847

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