Paper Title

Hybrid Method of Edge Detection for Data Hiding Technique of Digital Mammograms


  • Samya Muhuri
  • Monalisa Bhattacharjee


Steganography, Watermarking, Edge Detection, Canny & Fuzzy Edge Detector.


In the Medical Oncology domain, we were brought to make periodic mammography images to monitor breast tumor patients. This paper proposes a role-based access control framework comprising two main components - a content-based steganographic module and a reversible watermarking module, to protect mammograms in the medical database. The input is a mammogram image and patient's information. Within this framework, the content-based steganographic module is to hide patients' textual information into mammograms without changing the important details of the pictorial contents and to verify the authenticity and integrity of the mammograms. The reversible watermarking module, capable of masking the contents of mammograms, is for preventing unauthorized users from viewing the contents of the mammograms. Identifying only the breast area will be done before the embedding process. To detect breast boundary a novel hybrid algorithm for edge detection has been proposed in this paper. There are large numbers of edge detection operators available, each designed to be sensitive to certain types of edges. Here we present the hybrid of Fuzzy and Canny edge detection technique. The above mentioned processes are tested on different mammographic images randomly retrieved from popular search engine and work has been implemented by MATLAB R2009b package.

Article Type


How To Cite

Samya Muhuri, Monalisa Bhattacharjee. "Hybrid Method of Edge Detection for Data Hiding Technique of Digital Mammograms".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2820-2825, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2820-2825

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