Paper Title

Intelligent Alarm System for Dozing Driver using Hough Transformation


  • Jay D. Fuletra
  • Viral Parmar


Eyes detection, Eyes tracking, Edge Detection, Hough Transformation, Drowsiness detection


In today’s world, we came to know large number of techniques like navigation systems and warning alarm systems that assist driver and make driving an easy job. Traffic accidents due to human errors cause many deaths and injuries around the world. Drowsiness and sleeping while driving are now identified as one of the reasons behind fatal crashes and highway accidents caused by drivers. There are some techniques already available in the market. It is a necessary step to come with an efficient technique to detect drowsiness as soon as driver feels sleepy. This could save large number of accidents. This research provides efficient technique for detecting driver’s drowsiness. After acquiring image, focus has been made on eyes of driver using Viola-jones eye tracking method, after face detection. Edges have been extracted from the eyes detected. Using Hough transformation, iris has been extracted and then the states of the eyes used to detect drowsiness of driver. Experiments have been done on large number of drivers. Comparison of results with existing systems show that the implemented method gives desired output and it is better than existing systems.

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How To Cite

Jay D. Fuletra, Viral Parmar. "Intelligent Alarm System for Dozing Driver using Hough Transformation".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2797-2800, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2797-2800

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