Stock Market Prediction Using Data Mining
- Ruchi Desai
- Prof.Snehal Gandhi
News articles, Stock market, Text mining
Data mining is well founded on the theory that the historic data holds the essential memory for predicting the future direction. This technology is designed to help investors discover hidden patterns from the historic data that have probable predictive capability in their investment decisions. The prediction of stock markets is regarded as a challenging task of financial time series prediction. Data analysis is one way of predicting if future stocks prices will increase or decrease. Also, it investigated various global events and their issues predicting on stock markets. The stock market can be viewed as a particular data mining problem. Text mining approach is also used for measuring the effect of real time news on stock. It uses different techniques and strategies to predict ups and downs in stock market. In this paper, we present a model that predicts the changes of stock trend by analyzing the influence of non- quantifiable information namely the news articles which are rich in information and superior to numeric data.
Volume 2 Issue 2
Pages. 2780-2784