Energy Efficent Routing Protocol in WSN - Advance LEACH-EE
- Priyank S. Patel
- Prof. Pritesh Saxena
Wireless sensor network, weight factor, LEACH-EE, residual Energy, cluster, residual energy, average energy
This paper proposes an energy efficient routing protocol in WSN. LEACH is a primary hierarchical protocol. LECH and its variant having its different constraint that reserves energy for extend network life time. Here we have proposed a protocol that more efficient than LEACH and that takes into account the node that become cluster head in first round that will also taken as the candidate of cluster head selection process using the weighting factor that assign by using residual energy of node. NS-2 simulations show that our proposed scheme outperforms existing algorithms in terms of the node lifetime and the network life time.
Priyank S. Patel, Prof. Pritesh Saxena. "Energy Efficent Routing Protocol in WSN - Advance LEACH-EE".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2624-2634, URL :
Volume 2 Issue 2
Pages. 2624-2634