Paper Title

Optimization of Casting Process Parameters using Taguchi Method


  • Ganesh G. Patil
  • Dr. K. H. Inamdar


Optimization, Casting process, Casting defects and Taguchi method


Casting process is the most widely used process in manufacturing industries especially in automobile products. Systematic analysis and identification of sources of product defects are essential for successful manufacturing. Foundry industry suffers from the poor quality and productivity due the large number of process parameter. Since the quality of casting parts is mostly influenced by process condition, how to determine the optimum process condition becomes the key to improving part quality. Improvement in casting quality is the process of finding the root cause of occurrence of defects such as sand drop, blow hole, leakage and bad mould in the rejection of casting and taking necessary steps to reduce the defects and hence rejection of casting. In this paper, green sand casting process was optimized by using Taguchi method. An attempt has been made to obtain optimal settings of the casting process parameters in order to yield the optimum quality characteristics of the silicon molybdenum (SiMo) SG iron flange bak castings. Good quality of casting can be achieved by optimization of controllable process parameters such as mould hardness, moisture content, permeability and green compression strength. The effects of these parameters on casting defects and subsequent setting of parameters with the levels have been accomplished by Taguchi’s parameter design approach. Taguchi based L18 orthogonal array have been used for the experimentation and result has been carried out using Minitab 16 software for analysis of variance. A statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been performed for which process parameters are significantly affecting the casting rejection percentage. Identify the optimum value of the selected process parameters and verification experiment has been performed.

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How To Cite

Ganesh G. Patil, Dr. K. H. Inamdar. "Optimization of Casting Process Parameters using Taguchi Method".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2506-2511, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2506-2511

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