Paper Title

An Experimental Investigation on Cylindrical Grinding Process Parameters for En 8 Using Regression Analysis


  • Suresh P. Thakor
  • Dr. D. M. Patel


cylindrical grinding, ANOVA, regression analysis, S/N ratios, surface roughness, MRR


Cylindrical grinding is one of the important metal cutting processes used extensively in the finishing operations. Metal removal rate and surface finish are the important output responses in the production with respect to quantity and quality. The main objective of this paper is find out set of parameters that minimize the surface roughness and maximize material removal rate for en8 steel. The experiments are conducted on cylindrical grinding machine with full factorial method and surface roughness is measured using surface roughness tester Mitutoyo SJ-210. The test models were developed using full factorial method and regression analysis and tested with the conformation test. The input parameters considered are: cutting fluids, work piece speed, and depth of cut and the responses are surface roughness (Ra) and metal removal rate (MRR). Conformation test gives surface roughness of 0.4246 μm, and material removal rate of 0.0974 gm/sec. test results showed that the use of various coolants reduces surface roughness and increases material removal rate. The results were further validated by conducting confirmation experiments.

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How To Cite

Suresh P. Thakor, Dr. D. M. Patel. "An Experimental Investigation on Cylindrical Grinding Process Parameters for En 8 Using Regression Analysis".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2486-2491, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2486-2491

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