Paper Title

Review on Advance Automation of Conventional Lathe Machine


  • Prakash N. Parmar
  • Vikas R. Gondalia
  • Niraj C. Mehta


Automation, Retrofitting, CNC Turning Center


now a day, products can be produced by modern technology, which uses computer software, hardware and firm ware in industries. It is needed to use CNC lathe machine to get more accurate dimensions and irregular shape. So, CNC machines are becoming more and more important in modernized industrialization. There are many conventional lathe machines in our country. To build a new modern developed country, it is required to convert these conventional lathe machines into semi-automatic control lathe machine by retrofitting. Developing and changing into semi-automatic control lathe machine, there are three required portions, namely, mechanical electronics and hydraulic. In this project we convert the convention lathes which have 5ft bed length in to the semi-automatic lathe. In mechanical side we replace the ball screw in place of lead screw for better accuracy and remove some unnecessary component like gears for providing space for motors. We add an extra plates or structure for installation of motors. Also provides a hydraulic circuit for coolant. In electronic side we used a servo/ stepper motor for both Z and X axis and provide controller for the efficient operation.

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How To Cite

Prakash N. Parmar, Vikas R. Gondalia, Niraj C. Mehta. "Review on Advance Automation of Conventional Lathe Machine".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2452-2456, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2452-2456

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