Paper Title

An Approach to Improving Throughput of AODV Protocol by Classification of node's Power in MANET


  • Pritesh Patel
  • Kaushal Patel


Mobile AD-Hoc Network, AODV protocol, Routing table


AODV is very simple, effective and useful and efficient protocol in the Mobile Ad-hoc Network. It borrows the advantageous concept from DSR and DSDV algorithm. Obtain the routes purely on-demand makes AODV a very useful and desired algorithm for MANET. During the data transmission Between the nodes in the mobile ad-hoc network energy are used from the battery. so when the node will reach at the minimum power at that time they lost the packet data which are transmitted from the one node to another. So to overcome from this problem before the transmission of the packet data check the energy of the node. This paper shows how to improve the throughput of the AODV protocol

Article Type


How To Cite

Pritesh Patel, Kaushal Patel. "An Approach to Improving Throughput of AODV Protocol by Classification of node's Power in MANET".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2433-2436, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2433-2436

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