Paper Title

Heat Transfer Enhancement in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by using Iron Oxide Nanofluid


  • Sunny Rach
  • Pratik Patel
  • Dr. Dipak A. Deore


Heat Exchanger, Shell and Tube, Iron oxide Nanofluid, Enhancement in convective heat transfer coefficient


The main aim of the present experimental investigation is to study the heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids mixed with base fluid in certain proportion flowing in a tube, under constant heat flux boundary conditions in laminar and transition flow regimes. The use of inserts with nanofluids to further compound the heat transfer enhancement is a new technique.The experiment is carried out on Shell and tube heat exchanger and nanofluid used is Iron Oxide. In the experiment Iron oxide nanofluid is used by mixed it with base fluid i.e. water at different volume concentrations. After that checking the change in the convective heat transfer coefficient by using nanofluid with compare to plain water. At the end it is conclude from the experiment that the value of convective heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in the mass flow rate and gives enhancement in between 2% to 48% Also it will increase with increasing volume concentration of nanofluid but only up to 4% concentration. Again it will start decreasing at around 4% concentration. Also experiment shows that the 3% volume concentration gives highest value of % increment in convective heat transfer coefficient with compare to 2% and 4% volume concentration.

Article Type


How To Cite

Sunny Rach, Pratik Patel, Dr. Dipak A. Deore. "Heat Transfer Enhancement in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by using Iron Oxide Nanofluid".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2422-2432, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2422-2432

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