Effect of prime mover speed on power factor of Grid Connected low capacity Induction Generator (GCIG)
- Mali Richa Pravinchandra
- Prof. Bijal Mehta
- Mihir D. Raval
Induction Machine (IM), Grid Connected Induction Generator (GCIG), Power factor, Reactive power, MATLAB
Ability of Induction Generator (IG) to convert mechanical power into electrical power over wide range of rotor speeds has given rise to an interest in study of Grid Connected Induction Generator (GCIG). Induction machine as an induction generator is used in different applications and becoming more popular because it reduces the system cost considerably compared to synchronous generator. But poor power factor is a major drawback of Grid Connected Induction Generator under varying prime mover speed. Hence, capacitor banks are connected across induction generator to fulfill the reactive power demand. It also helps to minimize losses and excitation process which assists the utility grid. This paper presents a simple model of grid connected low capacity induction machine operated from motoring mode to generating mode and effect of power factor with varying speed is discussed. The simulation model and results were obtained in MATLAB/SIMULINK software tool and a practical setup of 1 Hp GCIG is made with a suitable prime mover. Different readings were taken for speed and power factor compared with simulation results.
Mali Richa Pravinchandra, Prof. Bijal Mehta, Mihir D. Raval. "Effect of prime mover speed on power factor of Grid Connected low capacity Induction Generator (GCIG)".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2302-2309, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1402163.pdf
Volume 2 Issue 2
Pages. 2302-2309