Paper Title

Effective Control Strategy to enhance Power Quality Improvement using Dynamic Voltage Restorer


  • Ram Hemantkumar Mistry
  • Prof. Hemin D. Motiwala


Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Power quality problem, Voltage sag and swell, Voltage Source Converter (VSC), series compensation, control system, sensitive load, simulation.


In 21th century, the expansion of power system and electronic devices has been grown at very fast rate. The most noticeable topic for electrical engineer is Power quality in recent years. Power quality issues is generate due to nonstandard voltage, current or frequency. With Power quality problem utility distribution networks, industrial loads, sensitive loads etc. are suffered. To overcome the problem related to power quality, custom power devices are introduced. A number of power quality solutions are provided by custom power devices. Power quality encompasses several aspects: voltage sags , swells, harmonics, over voltage, flicker, interruptions etc., lasting only a few cycles can cause significant damage for a manufacturing process and computer hardware installations. Now a days , various range of flexible devices introduce for power application. Voltage source converter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) can be used effectively for mitigation of voltage sag and swell. This paper presents the operating principle, power circuit topologies, control philosophies and application of DVR for power quality improvement along with systematic review of published literature. The simulation modeling of DVR is carried out component wise and their performances are analyzed using MATLAB software. The simulation shows that the control technique is very effective and yields excellent compensation for voltage sag/swell mitigation.

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How To Cite

Ram Hemantkumar Mistry, Prof. Hemin D. Motiwala. "Effective Control Strategy to enhance Power Quality Improvement using Dynamic Voltage Restorer".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.2241-2247, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 2241-2247

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