Paper Title

An Efficient Web Service Selection using Hadoop ecosystem based Web Service Management System (HWSMS)


  • Shashank Shetty
  • Shalini P.R
  • Aditya Kumar Sinha


SOA ; Web service; Hadoop; MapReduce; Big data; Web service management; Web service Composition


A Hadoop ecosystem based Web Service Management System (HWSMS) mainly focuses on selecting the optimal web service using the two algorithms Optimal Web Service Selection (OWSS) and Advanced Stop Words Based Query Search (ASWQS). The distributed management framework is the key research issue that still needs to be addressed in service management research field. As the part of this effort, this paper focuses on the study on web services and discusses on the Hadoop Web Service Management System (HWSMS) which manages web services using the big data problem resolver tool, Hadoop Ecosystem. Due to the growing popularity of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the web technology, there has been an huge impact on the web service repository. The data on the network has been increasing in the daily basis, hence making it huge and complex. This causes a gradual decrease in the performance and does not fulfill the user requirement and also QoS metric. Hence, In the proposed method, web service management using Hadoop ecosystem has been discussed. The user query is processed using the Map Reduce Optimal Web Service Search (OWSS) algorithm and the optimal web service out of several web services is delivered to the service requestor by filtering the unnecessary web services. Hence, an efficient web service selection process can be carried out and better QoS to the customer. The experimental setup of HWSMS is implemented and the results are analyzed with the traditional System

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How To Cite

Shashank Shetty, Shalini P.R, Aditya Kumar Sinha. "An Efficient Web Service Selection using Hadoop ecosystem based Web Service Management System (HWSMS)".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.1876-1883, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 1876-1883

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