Paper Title

Chaos Based Cryptosystem for Images


  • Akash Singh
  • Anshika Rathi
  • Megha Chauhan


Arnold Catmap, Henon Map, Encryption, Decryption.


The utmost negative impact of advancement of technology is an exponential increase in security threats, due to which tremendous demand for effective electronic security is increasing importantly. Since chaos fundamentals such as ergodicity and high sensitivity to initial conditions are directly connected with two basic properties of good ciphers: confusion and diffusion, so chaos has emerged as a new promising candidate for cryptography. Although significant research has been done on chaos based cryptography still there are some of problems basically speed, that restrict the application of encoding/decoding algorithms. In the proposed technique Arnold cat map & Hénnon map have been employed during permutation substitution process to design a spatial domain based chaotic cryptosystem& only single iteration have been performed to make it faster. Thorough performance, security and comparative analysis ascertains efficacy of the proposed technique.

Article Type


How To Cite

Akash Singh, Anshika Rathi, Megha Chauhan. "Chaos Based Cryptosystem for Images".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.1505-1508, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 2 

Pages. 1505-1508

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