Fuzzy Based Digital Control Strategy for Four Quadrant Three Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Stability
- J.Vijaya Vikkaraga
- J.Padma
- P.Vinoth
BLDC motor, ds PIC, Regenerative ,braking ,digital control, four quadrants.
Brushless DC (BLDC) motor drives are becoming more popular in industrial, traction applications. This makes the control of BLDC motor in all the four quadrants very vital. This project deals with the digital control of three phase BLDC motor. The motor is controlled in all the four quadrants without any loss of power; in fact energy is conserved during the regenerative period. This digital controller with PI and fuzzy, is very advantageous over other controllers, as it combines the calculation capability of Digital Signal Processing and controlling capability of using a precise optimized PI and fuzzy to achieve fast precise control.To validate the developed technique simulations are carried out through MATLAB/SIMULINK.
J.Vijaya Vikkaraga, J.Padma, P.Vinoth. "Fuzzy Based Digital Control Strategy for Four Quadrant Three Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Stability".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.1437-1440, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1402022.pdf
Volume 2 Issue 2
Pages. 1437-1440