Paper Title

Optimization Of Welding Parameters For TIG Welding Of 304 L Stainless Steel Using Taguchi Approach




TIG welding, Welding strength, Distortion, Taguchi method, ANOVA


The main aim of this paper is to analyze and experimentally investigate the TIG welding process parameters for purpose of maximizing tensile strength and minimizing distortion with the requirements of maximizing of weld strength of thin walled structures of stainless steel respectively. TIG welding parameters were analyzed to determine their significance on thin plates of 304L stainless steel of 4 mm thicknesses by design of experiments (DOE) with employing Taguchi method designs to have response (tensile strength &distortion). The effects of following two parameters: welding current, Root gap have investigated upon following two performance measures: tensile strength and distortions for 4 mm thickness of 304L stainless steel. The experimental results were analyzed using ANOVA and significance of effects for all the tested parameters upon performance measures was determined. Empirical models for tensile strength and distortion, in terms of significant parameters were developed and numerical optimization was performed according to the desirability for the maximization of tensile strength and minimization of distortion.

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How To Cite

LALIT S. PATEL, TEJAS C. PATEL. "Optimization Of Welding Parameters For TIG Welding Of 304 L Stainless Steel Using Taguchi Approach".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.1165-1170, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 1165-1170

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