Paper Title

Real-time industrial process controlling using LPC2148




Vx Works, lpc2148, Distributed embedded system, eclipse IDE.


In this abstract we are going to introduce an intelligent system for the industrial sector which is based on distributed embedded system. Distributed Embedded System employs various devices to provide various services with an application oriented program. To reduce the complexity of the methodology and engineering practices, Service oriented computing technique has been used in distributed embedded system to implement the service in Vx Works. This paper explains how to reduce the latency of industrial process plant which sometimes get overrun and leads to imperfection and disasters in the large scale industries and plant. Considering the threshold value for the parameters controlling plant process, the microcontroller need to maintain the values of the particular parameters below the threshold level to keep the working environment better for the plant process. Vx Works scheduling algorithm, earliest deadline first algorithm assigns priorities for the critical process parameters. With the credits of single-board and low price, lpc2148 acts as the most appropriate microcontroller for maintaining the continuous flow of bitwise address and word processing complementing to the Vx Works, which can cross-compile the programming data with eclipse IDE.

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How To Cite

PRIYANKA KUMAR, D.VIJAYALAKSHMI. "Real-time industrial process controlling using LPC2148".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.1143-1147, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 1143-1147

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