Paper Title

Surveillance of Object Motion Detection and Alert Using Android




Image subtraction algorithm, Google Cloud Messaging, Real-time traffic surveillance system


Video Surveillance systems have increase their needs of dynamism in order to allow different users to monitor the system selecting different quality of service (QoS) depending on the system status and to access live and recorded video from different localizations, for example mobile devices. More concretely, in IP surveillance systems, some resources involved are limited or expensive so dynamic reconfiguration could become competitive advantage for system integrator and designers able to offer flexible applications which are adaptable to users’ needs. This surveillance based service system provides security for particular place which alerts the user by sending alert messages. We discuss a new algorithm, Image subtraction algorithm that captures the image automatically and is saved in the server. The saved image is sent as an alert to the user mobile using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

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How To Cite

S.SHAHID, T.SENTHIL KUMAR. "Surveillance of Object Motion Detection and Alert Using Android".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.1091-1094, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 1091-1094

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