Techniques For Improving Channel Capacity Of Downlink In GSM Systems.
- Sheshhan R Patel
- A.K.Sisodia
The continuous increase in the cellular mobile users in recent times and the associated impairments in the system has been a lot of concerns to both the users and the network operators. It is required to be offer very high capacity in a limited spectrum allocation. The allocated spectrum becomes gradually congested and eventually becomes used up. Congestion of the Spectrum means that the call blocking probability has increased and this is not desired in the system. This paper looks at techniques of enhancing the cellular capacity with Cell Splitting and Cell Sectoring and coverage zone approaches
Sheshhan R Patel, A.K.Sisodia. "Techniques For Improving Channel Capacity Of Downlink In GSM Systems.".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.1074-1076, URL :
Volume 2 Issue 1
Pages. 1074-1076