Virtual Topology Design using Genetic algorithm
Genetic Algorithm, fitness function, mutation, crossover, selection.
Virtual topology design issue is based in Cognitive Networking. Cognitive networking is one Advance type of Networking; Virtual design Problems are more in virtual topology so to cure those problems Genetic Algorithm can use. It is an Advance Networking because in this; networking and its framework structure it is having Genetic algorithms that has sense of thinking like human brain. As human brain can take smart decisions having n-number of path and having many ways to deal with work the same time taking only one best way or procedure to deal with it. In this networking at the end simulation will going to be implemented. If algorithm is having two or more than two paths at that time it will choose one of them which is best among all or it will generate new path if best path is not available. Fitness function can perform the optimization. Also it will always fix and tuned some number of results. Genetic algorithm will reduce congestion and Bit Error Rate with less number of transmitters. Results show that the new method enhanced obtains more and better results than the other method.
Volume 2 Issue 1
Pages. 882-884