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  • Hemant Kumar Kushwaha
  • Ms. J. Jeysree


�Component Trust, Trustworthiness of facts, social network, internet, worldwide web, truefact algorithm, facebook4j, Trust_Recommeder, Trust_Friend, Java, netbeanIDE.


Trust plays a very useful role in our daily life. In the modern life where everything is based on the virtual world say World Wide Web, it is very difficult to know about whom to trust and why. Most of the social recommender systems are based on the trust rating of users. Hence, it's important to calculate the possible relations between users in the social network and to evaluate those relations properly to improve the social recommender system for a particular user. This particular user would be termed as ego user in our Trust_System. As the popularity of social network sites grow on the worldwide web, each individual has a long friend-list on facebook. While evaluating closeness among friends is difficult, fortunately there are many user actions which can be used to evaluate their relation on the social network. The trustworthiness of a product can be determined by the facts which are being calculated by their opinion about the given facts. In this research work Trust_Friend algorithm and True_Fact algorithm are used for solving both problems e.g. closeness of friends for social recommender system (Trust_Recommeder for Trust_System) on a popular social networking site facebook.

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How To Cite

Hemant Kumar Kushwaha, Ms. J. Jeysree. "Trust_System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.704-712, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 704-712

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