Paper Title

Intelligent Vehicle Control for Driver Behaviour using Wireless in Transportation System


  • Jayapriya P
  • Prof. Prabhakaran. S
  • Ashok T.


Context-aware system, Driver behaviour, Safety application, Prevent vehicle theft, Fingerprint reader, On Board module


Existing driving behavior models have a strong emphasis on the driver’s cognitive components including aspects such as motivation, risk assessment, attention, compensation, capability, workload, individual traits and experience. Each existing model was designed specifically for a particular driving situation such as speeding or fatigue. This system defines a framework for a new context aware driving behavior model capable of predicting driver’s behavior. This approach broadens the cognitive focus of existing driving behavior models to integrate contextual information related to the vehicle, environment, driver and the interactions between them. In this system used to consist of different types of sensors such as alcohol sensor, eye blink sensor, lane detection sensor, heart beat sensor, accident sensor. And also mainly used to GSM modem, GPS receiver, RFID reader and finger print scanner.GSM and GPS based vehicle location and tracking system will provide effective, real time vehicle location, mapping and reporting this information value and adds by improving the level of service provided. The system has an “On Board Module" which resides in the vehicle to be tracked and a "Base Station" that monitors data from the various vehicles. The On Board module consists of GPS receiver, a GSM modem. The Alcohol Sensor is used to sense weather the person driving the car taken Alcohol or not and this data is also given to ADC, The ADC is used in this system because the signal comes from the Sensors are analog in nature, so we want to convert the Analog signals into digital signal for this purpose ADC is used. Heart Beat sensor used in the system is used to sense the heart beat of the person driving the vehicle and sends the data to the embedded system, and the eye blink sensor is used to sense the person driving the vehicle is sleeping or not. Accident sensor is used to identify weather the vehicle is running in normal condition or not when the accident occurs it send the information to the embedded system . The Embedded system is programmed like when it receives the signal from the signal sensor it activates the Vehicle system control system and level converter unit. And also this system consist of RFID reader and finger print sensor is used to prevent non-licensees from driving and therefore causing accidents. And identify the person going to drive the vehicle is the owner of the vehicle or not.

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How To Cite

Jayapriya P, Prof. Prabhakaran. S, Ashok T.. "Intelligent Vehicle Control for Driver Behaviour using Wireless in Transportation System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.614-618, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 614-618

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