Paper Title

Paul Scott’s Magnum Opus – The Raj Quartet


  • Dr Vidya Patil


Novelist, Tetralogy, Masterpiece, Engrossing tale, Poignant


Paul Scott was a well-known British novelist, playwright and poet who wrote the famous tetralogy, The Raj Quartet. The books in the tetralogy series outline the final years of the British occupation of India from manifold viewpoints and address moral conflicts of British army officers in the East. The Raj Quartet is a long, leisurely, high-detailed set of novels. Paul Scott’s monumental opus is inevitably complex and potentially confusing. Its central action spans a period of five years and is set in an area which went on to become five nations. It consists of more than 300 named characters, including 24 principal characters. The Raj Quartet comprises four volumes, four masterpieces about the fall of the British Empire in India. It is undoubtedly one of the great works of English literature of the last century. It is an engrossing tale where history engulfs loves, lives, hopes, past and present, and it builds, too - something new, despite the forces which try to stop it. It's beautiful and poignant, wonderfully written, and despite its length, it's a compulsively enjoyable novel to read. Key words :- Novelist, Tetralogy, Masterpiece, Engrossing tale, Poignant

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How To Cite

Dr Vidya Patil. "Paul Scott’s Magnum Opus – The Raj Quartet".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.759-762, URL :


Volume 6 Issue 1 

Pages. 759-762

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