Design and Analysis of Adaptable Flexed-cup Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
- Venkata Mahesh N. Punugu
- Tejas S. Kabra
Renewable Energy, Helical-Cup, Adaptable Blade, Power Output, Efficiency
The renewable source of energy is the future. The sustainability of the fossil fuels while considering its rate of consumption has paved way for rediscovering the possible ways of converting and conserving one form of energy into another. This paper focuses on similar aspect. Wind energy as a renewable source has great potential to fulfill the ever increasing energy demand worldwide. Newer and improvised design of the wind turbine blade caters for extraction of kinetic energy of the wind to its fullest extent.
This paper shows a unique design that recovers kinetic energy of the wind by allowing itself to appropriately align with the direction of the wind. The paper also considers various possible design of blades and optimizes it to obtain the most suitable one using Computation Fluid Dynamic Analysis.
Venkata Mahesh N. Punugu, Tejas S. Kabra. "Design and Analysis of Adaptable Flexed-cup Vertical Axis Wind Turbine".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.728-733, URL :
Volume 6 Issue 1
Pages. 728-733