Development of High Voltage Using Buck Converter and Current Fed Push Pull Inverter
High voltage AC, Buck converter, Push pull inverter, PI controller.
High voltage AC supply is required for the applications like ozone generation, fluorescent lamp etc., which is difficult to control. In this project, buck converter and current fed push pull inverter topology is used to generate AC voltage for high voltage applications. The output voltage of the push pull inverter is controlled by varying the duty cycle of the buck converter switch. It is necessary to maintain output voltage constant during the fluctuation of the load; hence the circuit is operated in closed loop using the PI controller. The proposed model is designed to produce a high voltage of about 2100V AC with the input of 30 V DC and it has been simulated using the software MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Naveen R, K.H.Sivanand. "Development of High Voltage Using Buck Converter and Current Fed Push Pull Inverter".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.322-328, URL :
Volume 6 Issue 1
Pages. 322-328