Intermolecular Interaction Of Phenolic Compound By Ultrasonic Measurements
- Kuldeep Dipak Tayade
- Charles Edward
4-(p-Chloro)phenylthiocarbamidophenol (PTP), interferometric measurements, solute-solvent interactions.
Recently ultrasonic velocity and density for solutions of 4-(p-chloro)phenylthio carbamidophenol (PTP) at different molar concentrations and 303 K, in 80% compositions ethanol-water mixtures was investigated for determination of adiabatic compressibility (β), apparent molal compressibility (k), apparent molal volume (v), intermolecular free length (Lf), relative association (RA) and specific acoustic impedance (Z). These properties were studied to solute-solute and solute-solvent interaction in solvent, which provide important and versatile information regarding internal structure, molecular association.
Kuldeep Dipak Tayade, Charles Edward. "Intermolecular Interaction Of Phenolic Compound By Ultrasonic Measurements".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.283-285, URL :
Volume 6 Issue 1
Pages. 283-285