Paper Title

A Secure Approach for Authenticated and Secure Online Voting System by Using Homo-Morphic Stegnography


  • Miss Prerana Santosh Mali
  • Mr.Rahul Gaikwad


Homomorphic encryption, blind signature, biometric security, steganography, Web Server, Digital Signature, Internet Voting.


Many voters would appreciate the possibility of voting from anywhere election and voting well known things in modern days of democracy. Electronic online voting over the Internet would be much more profitable. The Secured online voting system is today’s need. We proposed a new secured online voting system by using biometric and steganographic authentication. In proposed model, voter’s system generated security Password is verified before the vote is accepted and encrypt vote is stored form in the main database of Election of India. The additional feature of the model is that privacy of casted vote is preserved using homomorphic encryption. Blind signature is used for providing the anonymous voting environment. In this model a person can also vote from outside of his/her allocated electorate or from his/her chosen location. In the proposed system, counting of votes will be done fast and correctly.

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How To Cite

Miss Prerana Santosh Mali, Mr.Rahul Gaikwad. "A Secure Approach for Authenticated and Secure Online Voting System by Using Homo-Morphic Stegnography".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.241-250, URL :


Volume 6 Issue 1 

Pages. 241-250

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