Paper Title

Thermal Property Evaluation of Heat Treated Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material


  • Ratan Kumar
  • Er.Sushil Kumar Sharma


Metal Matrix Composites(MMCs), Stir Casting, Heat Treatment, Thermal Conductivity.


The quest for lighter materials with high stiffness and strength has triggered the development of metal matrix composites as an alternative to conventional engineering alloys. They posses attractive properties like good mechanical, thermal and wear resistance properties. In this present investigation to study the thermal properties of Al metal matrix composites reinforced with SiC and Gr particles. The Al356 alloy used as a matrix and varying the reinforcement percentage from 0% to 15% by weight in steps of 5% of SiC and fixed 5% weight of graphite. The composites are fabricated by liquid metallurgy (stir cast) method. The composites were heat treated (5400C for 12 hours).Artificial ageing was carried out at 1550C for 5, 10, 15 hours. The prepared composites were experimented for thermal property evaluation. The thermal properties such as thermal conductivity were studied and compare the results with unreinforced material. The significant improvement of thermal conductivity by increasing the weight 5% of SiC particles in the composite material.

Article Type


How To Cite

Ratan Kumar, Er.Sushil Kumar Sharma. "Thermal Property Evaluation of Heat Treated Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.191-198, URL :


Volume 6 Issue 1 

Pages. 191-198

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