PSoC1 based system for measurement for Air temperature, Ambient Light and Relative Humidity of the Environment
- V. T. Kulkarni
- M. N. Kumawat
- S. N. Helambe
HIH4031, LDR, LM-35 PSoC1
The measurement of the meteorological parameters is the very important in many areas like industry, framing, and weather forecasting to analyze a data for predict the results. In this research paper the some meteorological parameters are described to study the meteorological conditions with a new advanced, low cost, portable embedded system fabricated through flexibility and ease of designing created by programmable system on chip controllers. The designed system uses the dynamic reconfiguration ability of PSoC and the provided pre-packaged libraries to conveniently connect multiple weather parameter sensors on a single chip.
V. T. Kulkarni, M. N. Kumawat, S. N. Helambe. "PSoC1 based system for measurement for Air temperature, Ambient Light and Relative Humidity of the Environment".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.32-36, URL :
Volume 6 Issue 1
Pages. 32-36