Paper Title

Automatic Agriculture Pesticide Spraying Vehicle


  • Joshi Dhruv Bharatbhai


Spraying Vehicle, Boom Sprayer, Self propelled sprayer


ABSTRACT : Spraying of pesticides is done to control pest and diseases for that purpose sprayer are used. Sprayer must break liquid in to droplet of effective size, also distribute them uniformly over the plants and regulate the amount of liquid to avoid excessive application controlling pest, diseases is one serious problem facing the farmers everywhere. In the view of these problems field performance evaluation trials of self propelled boom sprayer were carried out in cotton and chilli field. There are many types of pesticides sprayer pump are available in India. In India the spraying done in farm is by traditional technique. But mostly used sprayer is backpack type sprayer which is used by farmers because it is cheaper, easy to use, easily available and main thing about it is cost efficient. With the help of this machine farmer spray pesticides in their farm, but it requires lot of time and thus high operational cost, low efficiency, health problem and low profit. Also, the farmer which is spraying pesticides is affected by it as it is harmful to human health and human also affect by the lumbar pain and shoulder disorder due to weight of equipment and weight of tank on person`s shoulder.

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How To Cite

Joshi Dhruv Bharatbhai. "Automatic Agriculture Pesticide Spraying Vehicle".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1585-1590, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1585-1590

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