Paper Title

Review on A Graph Based Multi-level Clustering for Author Name Disambiguition


  • Khushbu Panpaliya
  • Prof. M. S. Burange
  • Prof. P.D. Soni


Disambiguation, Clustering, Multi-level Clustering, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning


For any literature, the basic thing is to identify individual(s) who wrote it or to identify all the research work related to individual author. Attribution would seem to be simple process but yet it represents a major unsolved problem for data mining. Researchers use generally scholarly digital libraries for their relevant research work as digital libraries have ubiquitous availability of scholar articles and publications. When someone tries to access an article using author name result produced may not meet user’s expectation due to name ambiguity. Ambiguous names often lead to confusion and mistakes in identification of author’s research work. And this leads to author name disambiguation process. Another case in which author name ambiguity can be seen is the retrieving the papers of an author who have used distinct name variations in different articles. Furthermore, name disambiguation for web papers can be even more challengeable with increasing mentioning of ambiguous names.

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How To Cite

Khushbu Panpaliya, Prof. M. S. Burange, Prof. P.D. Soni. "Review on A Graph Based Multi-level Clustering for Author Name Disambiguition".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1562-1564, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1562-1564

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