An Analysis of Economic Upliftment of Beneficiaries through JSSs Skill Development Programmes in Karnataka: With Special Reference to Davanagere District
- Munavar.V
- Dr. B. P Veerabhadrappa
JSS, Origin, Growth of Beneficiaries, JSS Skill Development Program, Economic Upliftment, Socio-economic development.
In India, JSSs play an important role in each and every span of socio-economically backward section’s standard of living. A study was conducted to find out the economic upliftments by the JSS vocational trainings to its beneficiaries in Davanagere District of Karnataka state. Information relating to various benefits of the JSSs sklls to its beneficiaries were enlisted in a pre-tested interview schedule. The beneficiaries were asked to rank the benefits in the order of their importance. The opinions of the beneficiaries were analyzed by Henry Garrett’s Ranking Technique. The present study attempts to analyse the impact of the JSS skill development program on backward people and economic upliftment of beneficiaries the JSS in Davanagere district of Karnataka state. The study is to understand the impact of skill development training programs of JSS on the neo-literates in the Davanagere district of Karnataka. The study also made an effort to understand the socio-economic profile and functioning of beneficiaries and also the Profile and functioning of JSS with special reference to skill development training programs. The study is based on primary data, collected from 120 respondents to know the economic upliftment of opportunities of employment and income activities from beneficiaries.
Munavar.V, Dr. B. P Veerabhadrappa. "An Analysis of Economic Upliftment of Beneficiaries through JSSs Skill Development Programmes in Karnataka: With Special Reference to Davanagere District".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1517-1523, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 4
Pages. 1517-1523