Paper Title

Assessment of the efficiency of sewage treatment plants: a comparative study between One Town and Mudasarlova sewage treatment plants


  • Ponnada Puspalatha
  • P.Kalpana


Key words— Total suspended solids, Total dissolved solids, Chemical oxygen demand, Biochemical oxygen demand, Mixed liquor suspended solids, Sludge volume index


Abstract— Visakhapatnam city has two Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (UWTPs) in the city, located at 1 town and Mudasarlova (Arilova) village, Andhra Pradesh, India. These plants are planned and built with an intend to oversee wastewater in order to minimize and/or expel organic matter, solids, nutrients, disease-causing organisms, pollutants and different toxins, before it re-enters a water body. The concentrations were assessed from two sewage treatment units; the largest STP situated at 1 Town with handling capacity of 38 MLD took after by Arilova STP of 13MLD capacity. It was uncovered from the execution, examine that effectiveness of the two treatment plants was poor concerning expulsion of total dissolved solids as rather than the evacuation in different parameters like total suspended solids, BOD and COD. In 1 Town STP,TDS, TSS, BOD and COD removal efficiency was 2.6, 97.71, 95.18, 80.54 % and respectively, while in Mudasarlova STP,TDS, TSS, BOD and COD removal efficiency was 1.0, 90.89, 89.5, 75.18 % and respectively. The order of decrease efficiency was TDS < COD < BOD< TSS and TDS < COD < BOD < TSS respectively in 1Town STP and Mudasarlova STP. Furthermore, the issues connected with the operation and support of wastewater treatment plants is examined.

Article Type


How To Cite

Ponnada Puspalatha, P.Kalpana. "Assessment of the efficiency of sewage treatment plants: a comparative study between One Town and Mudasarlova sewage treatment plants".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1479-1484, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1479-1484

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