Experimental analysis of diesel and bio diesel blending and suggest the optimum solution
- Dr Ajay K Sarathe
- Vipin Raghuvanshi
Biodiesel, Biodiesel-Diesel Blend, Varying Compression Ratio
Environmental concern and availability of petroleum fuels have caused interest in the search for alternative fuels for internal combustion engine. Many alternate fuels are tried by various researches. Based on literature review it is found that for diesel engine Bio Diesel is most promising fuel. In this project works prospects and opportunities of utilizing 100% biodiesel and increasing biodiesel-diesel blend ratio as fuel in diesel engine is going to be studied by varying compression ratio. Also based on experimentation an optimum blend and engine parameters are to be suggested for obtaining better performance and emission control. Biodiesel present a very promising scenario of functioning as alternative fuels to fossil diesel fuel. The properties of these can be compared favorably with the characteristics required for internal combustion engine fuels specially diesel engine. Experiments were performed for three compression ratio i.e. 14, 16 and 18 using biodiesel diesel blends i.e. B10, B20, B30, B40, B60, B80 and pure biodiesel with load variation from no load to full load and compared with base cases i.e. engine using diesel as a fuel. The parameters which studied are in performance brake power, brake specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency, in emission carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and unburned hydrocarbon of diesel engine. It was observed that out of three compression ratios i.e. 14, 16 and 18, compression ratio 18 results of brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and brake power as better results and emission for it was also lower except nitrogen oxide. In diesel-biodiesel blend , B20 having a better performance out of all combination of test fuel and emission of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), unburned hydro carbon (HC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) decrease. Also same trend was observed for engine running with 100% biodiesel. As per the literature survey B20 (20%biodiesel and 80% diesel) is best in performance compare to other blends. Similar results were observed but emission is reduced. Diesel engine is running smoothly with 100% bio diesel by compromising on performance parameters i.e. brake power, brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption.
Dr Ajay K Sarathe, Vipin Raghuvanshi. "Experimental analysis of diesel and bio diesel blending and suggest the optimum solution".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1426-1438, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1704227.pdf
Volume 5 Issue 4
Pages. 1426-1438