Paper Title

Structural Analysis of Shot peening on Aluminum Alloy Plates


  • Miss V A Padekar
  • Mr Hredey Mishra


Aluminum Alloy Plates, Shot Peening, Structural Analysis.


Shot Peening allows metal parts to accept higher oads or to endure a longer fatigue life in service without failure. In usual applications shot peening can be done without changing the part design or its material. If you strike a part surface with a rounded object at a velocity, sufficient to leave an impression and continue until you completely cover (cold work) the entire surface then you will have peened that part. The reasons for this improvement were not then understood. The round knob of the “ball peen” hammer was the smith’s tool for applying this process to cold (not hot) parts. Shot peening is considered among the most-efficient techniques. The goal of this paper is, first to describe the mechanical characteristics due to shot peening, then to list the main parameters, in order Structural Analysis Of Shot Peening On Aluminum Alloy Plates, finally to summarize the effects of the loading parameters on the improvement level.

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How To Cite

Miss V A Padekar, Mr Hredey Mishra. "Structural Analysis of Shot peening on Aluminum Alloy Plates".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1413-1418, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1413-1418

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