Paper Title

Performance Analysis of MIMO OFDM System using Higher Modulation Techniques and Subcarrier Index modulation


  • Mohammad Azim Khan
  • Dr. Rajesh S.Bansode




There is the demand of speed over 100Mbps downlink and 50Mbps uplink to mobile users, data beyond 6,300,000 terabytes per month for accessing multimedia services like video, VoIP. Similarly there are requirements such as: high throughput, robustness, efficient bit error rate (BER), high spectral efficiency, minimum delays, low computational complexity, low Peak to average power ratio (PAPR), low error probability etc. Typical constraints faced during transmission are; bit error rate, detoriates over wireless transmission, the reduction of a data channel, the corresponding bit error rate (BER) is noise and changes to the propagation path. Clipping and filtering on the performance of OFDM, including the power spectral density, BER. In OFDM transmissions system a term called peak-to-average power ratio, arises which result in corresponding distortion when signal gets transmitted through a nonlinear nature device, such as a power amplifier use at transmitter stage. Despite many advantages of OFDM, OFDM signals are very susceptible to the time-varying channel, which breaks the orthogonality between sub-carriers, resulting in inter-channel interference (ICI). The ICI increases in proportion to the normalized Doppler frequency. In a fading radio channel, it is likely that a transmitted signal will suffer deep fades that can lead a complete loss of the signal or outage of the signal. The outage probability is defined as the probability that is measured for signal to interference ratio of received signal considering the certain threshold level. Outage is said to occur when the received signal power goes below a certain threshold level. [1] The multiple antenna system provides better BER, better diversity performance with less computational complexity compared to single antenna system. A MIMO system uses spatial diversity that is obtained by the STBC technique. In a reported paper of 2X2 MIMO system using BPSK, 16-QAM, at BER=10-4, SNR=32dB for BPSK, SNR=37dB for QPSK SNR=40dB for 16-QAM modulation over OFDM transmission. [2] The paper deals with measurement/analysis of parameters such as BER, SNR, outage capacity, for NXN (2, 4, 8, 16, 32) MIMO transceiver system using (QPSK, 16-QAM), ½ rate convolutional encoding to improve BER below 40dB.

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How To Cite

Mohammad Azim Khan, Dr. Rajesh S.Bansode. "Performance Analysis of MIMO OFDM System using Higher Modulation Techniques and Subcarrier Index modulation".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1283-1292, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1283-1292

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