Paper Title

Image binarization techniques for degraded document images: A review


  • Amoli Panchal
  • Chintan Panchal
  • Bhargav Shah


Binarization; inter/intra variation; degraded document


Improvement in a degraded document images is one of the salient and challenging research now days. Image get degraded due to unbalance illumination spread over document including smearing of text, bleeding of ink to the other side of page, degradation of paper ink due to aging, manuscript characters from background side appear as noise on the lead side and get blend with the lead side characters etc. Binarization is used to recover text from degraded document images. Recovering text from degraded document images is a very difficult task due to inter/intra variation between background and foreground pixels. Various binarization approaches are available to recover the degraded document image with their own pros and cons. This paper accomplishes a comprising survey of recent ongoing different binarization techniques.

Article Type


How To Cite

Amoli Panchal, Chintan Panchal, Bhargav Shah. "Image binarization techniques for degraded document images: A review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.1191-1195, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 1191-1195

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