Paper Title

Study of Secure Communication in VANET–Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network


  • Ashutosh Shakya
  • Lalit Chourasia


Cloud Computing (CC), Data Downlink Dissemination , Safety Message (SM), VANET–cellular network, vehicular ad hoc network (VANET).


Inter-vehicle communication procedure have the potential to extend the protection, effectiveness, and simple transport classification linking aero plane, train, automotive vehicles, and robot. The applications unit divided into kind categories that share common communication organization and performance needs. IVC protocols unit surveyed one by one and their basic characteristics are disclosed. Power Aware Routing could be a concept in associate extraordinarily manner that it minimizes the energy consumption whereas routing the traffic, aims at minimizing the entire power consumption of all the nodes within the network, minimizing the overhead etc and so, at increasing the lifetime of the network victimization some Power Aware Routing Protocols. Therefore a review of various VANET protocols, comparison the attack is absolutely essential to originated up with new proposals for VANET. Thus this review has come up with an entire survey and comparison of different classes of VANET routing protocols.

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How To Cite

Ashutosh Shakya, Lalit Chourasia. "Study of Secure Communication in VANET–Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.984-987, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 984-987

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