Paper Title

Insight into Research, Investigations and Surveys on Heat Pumps and Engines - Towards Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness


  • Ganesh I.Nagre
  • Abhishek T.Sose
  • Dr.Sunil J. Kulkarni



The reduction is energy consumption or energy efficient technologies are becoming need of modern day development. Waste heat recovery, cogeneration are important aspects of heat recovery and reuse. Use of nanoparticles increases the heat transfer and increases efficiency. Heat pumps are devices used in a mechanical-compression cycle refrigeration system. They can be used to either heat or cool a controlled space . Various investigators have tried different heating cooling mediums and modifications in typical heat pumps based on need and cost. Energy efficient operations and equipment not only enhances profit but also it is environment friendly. The work carried out by various researchers reveal that classical thermodynamic analysis based on thermodynamic equilibrium do not consider constraints such as irreversibilities originating from finite-time and finite-size constraints. Also investigators observed that irreversibilities originating from finite-time and finite-size constraints are important. Few studies indicated that Sterling-cycle machines offer an environmentally-friendly alternative to vapour-compression systems. The results of single pressure absorption system yielded positive results. The current review summarizes research; investigations are surveys on heat pumps.

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How To Cite

Ganesh I.Nagre, Abhishek T.Sose, Dr.Sunil J. Kulkarni. "Insight into Research, Investigations and Surveys on Heat Pumps and Engines - Towards Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.838-841, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 838-841

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