Growth of Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Limited in Bellary District of Karnataka: A Financial Analysis
- Siddhartha S Vishwam
- Siddappaji D
- Dr. B.S. Chandrashekar
Origin of VSCBL, Financial Services, Growth of Financial, Various Services and Activities.
This paper focused on various financial services and activities status of the Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Limited (VSCBL) is one of the best financial services activities of Souharda Co-operative Bank in Bellary District of Karnataka state. It is promotes to financial service activities and some importance service of registered members, education loan, multi-purpose loan, small industrial loan, vehicle loan, general insurance facilities, small and marginal agricultural farmers, and also weaker sections community in both the urban and semi-urban areas. The VSCBL is one of the dominantly the success of role in the credit oriented development services and financial activities is significantly dependent upon the best performance of the souharda credit system in Bellary District of Karnataka state. The present study analyzed on the financial services and importance of services activities of the aspects such as number of Membership, Share Capital, Reserves, Deposits, Working Capital, Investment, Loans and Advances, and Net Profit,.
Siddhartha S Vishwam, Siddappaji D, Dr. B.S. Chandrashekar. "Growth of Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Limited in Bellary District of Karnataka: A Financial Analysis".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.684-687, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 4
Pages. 684-687