Economic Features of Jammu And Kashmir Economy
Economy, Employment, Features, Jammu and Kashmir, Per-capita Income Etc.
The state of J&K is rich in natural resources, but due to its economic and technological backwardness, the optimum utilization of resources has not been made possible so far. In fact, underutilization of natural resources has been one of the major causes of economic backwardness and poverty of the state. The state is rich in natural resources such as land, forests, water and minerals and its climate is suitable for the establishment of many important industrial activities such as manufacturing of silk, cotton and woolen textiles, chemicals, etc, but in spite of this, the state has failed miserably to make the best use of these resources for the betterment and upliftment of the people. No doubt, some areas of land which had been left uncultivated have been brought under cultivation, but still there are vast tracks of land in different regions of the state which are yet to be brought under cultivation. At present, the state is importing huge quantities of food grains and other agricultural products from other states of the country. To attain self-sufficiency in these products, the state should increase agricultural production by bringing more and more land under cultivation. The present paper will highlight all the features of J&K economy.
Volume 5 Issue 4
Pages. 578-581