Privacy Preserving Sybil Attack Detection in Ad hoc using Vehicular Networks
- V.Hemalatha
- V.Gobu
- V.Praveen
Sybil spasm, location concealment, signer-ambiguous monogram, location-hidden route, Elgamal Key management
A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network or VANET is a equipment that uses moving cars as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. In vehicular networks, moving vehicles are enabled to communicate with each other via intervehicle communications as sound as with road-side units (RSUs) in area via roadside-to-vehicle communications. In urban vehicular networks, the location privacy of the anonymous vehicles is highly concerned. Without identities of participants, such networks are vulnerable to the Sybil attack. Sybil attack is an attack, where a malicious vehicle masquerades as multiple identities, overwhelmingly influencing the attack. To detect and prevent this attack, we use a novel Sybil attack detection model called Footprint. Footprint enables the trajectories of vehicles for identification still preserving their location privacy Inplanned work, will probe into designing improved linkable Signer-Ambiguous Signature Schemes such that the computation overhead for signature confirmation and the communiqué upstairs can be condensed. Second, a threshold Elgamal system based key organization scheme for preservation VANET since the negotiated RSUs and their conspiracy with the malevolent vehicle.
V.Hemalatha, V.Gobu, V.Praveen. "Privacy Preserving Sybil Attack Detection in Ad hoc using Vehicular Networks".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.544-553, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 4
Pages. 544-553