Paper Title

Cryptographic Techniques


  • Soumyadip Mal
  • Utsab Banerjee


Cryptography, Encryption, DES, Diffie Hellman, RC5, Triple DES, AES, RSA,Quantum Cryptography,qubits,DNA Cryptography,Elliptic Curve Cryptography,Chaotic Cryptography,Shannon’s diffusion.


In today’s age,one which is witnessing a burst of advancement of technology,like never,security and privacy of information and communication has become a very importatnt aspect.Herein lies the advantages of cryptography and cryptanalysis.Cryptography is a way that makes sure of the integrity, availability and identification, confidentiality, authentication of user and as well as security and privacy of data that can be provided to the user. In this paper we have defined and analysed various symmetric cryptographic algorithms like DES, Triple DES, Blowfish, AES and IDEA and asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms like RSA. They have been analysed on their ability to secure data, key size, block size, features.We have also forayed into the realms of DNA Cryptography,Elliptic Curves based Cryptography as well as Quantum Cryptography all of which are emerging trends in the domain of Cryptography but hold massive potential nonetheless,we believe.

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How To Cite

Soumyadip Mal, Utsab Banerjee. "Cryptographic Techniques".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.499-507, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 499-507

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