Paper Title

Role of Pollution Control Equipment in Shot Peening Machines


  • Kailash Chaudhary


Shot Peening, Environmental Assesment, Polution Control Equipments


Abrasive blasting can have minimal environmental impact if it is located in an appropriate area and sited, designed and operated properly. If proper care is not taken in addressing environmental issues, however, it has the potential to cause environmental harm. The necessity and importance of effective air and noise pollution equipment is evident in wake of prescribed environment and health or safety norms. The dust collector and air-wash separator are the "lungs" of a shot peening machine. The dust collector provides the necessary ventilation to remove dust from the blast cabinet. It also provides an air stream across the "air-wash" separator to clean the small fines and foreign contaminants from the shot before it is reused. All shot peening machines require good dust collection and air-wash separators for reliable and efficient long term operation. The average shot peening or blast cleaning machine can produce decibel levels between 85 and 125 dBA and experts agree that continued exposure to noise above 85 dBA over time will cause hearing loss. This paper covers the developments and applications of the pollution control equipments in surface finishing industry. It highlights the process characteristics, its operational features and its resulting influence over the control of environmental pollution. The process parameters are explained with a view to control the process in order to achieve the desired results.

Article Type


How To Cite

Kailash Chaudhary. "Role of Pollution Control Equipment in Shot Peening Machines".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.463-467, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 463-467

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