Paper Title

A Standby server bulk arrival Queuing model of Compulsory server Vacation


  • N.Murugeswari
  • S. Maragatha Sundari


optional second stage, compulsory vacation, standby server .


We explore the steady state conduct of a M[x]/G/1 queue with compulsory vacation. Here the arrival follows a poisson distribution. Service is rendered in two stages in which the second stage is optional. After the completion of service, the server has to undergo a compulsory vacation. During the time of vacation for the continuous service process, a very important concept of standby server is introduced. This provides a complete satisfaction towards the customers. We obtain in closed form, the steady state probability generating functions for the number of customers in the queue for various states of the server, the average number of customers as well as their average waiting time in the queue and the system.

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How To Cite

N.Murugeswari, S. Maragatha Sundari. "A Standby server bulk arrival Queuing model of Compulsory server Vacation".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.337-341, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 337-341

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