Paper Title

Estimation and Analysis of Traffic Density in Cuddalore District to Minimize Accidental Hazard with the Help of Process Flow Method


  • Atun RoyChoudhury
  • C. Karthik
  • V. Sarathkumar


Accident, Automobile, Census, Process flow method, Traffic density


The revolution in the automobile industry and the liberalized economy has led to tremendous increase in the vehicle ownership levels. This has resulted in changing traffic characteristics on road network. In the paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the changing traffic composition trends, speed characteristics and travel patterns by taking few case studies. Further, the impact of changing traffic composition trends and emerging issues thereof are discussed. The aim of this paper is to suggest measures so as to reduce the accidents at road intersections and also to allow the orderly movement of vehicles into the intersection without traffic jam. Three intersections in Cuddalore were selected for the study. The first intersection is at and the Income Tax Department office, the Second intersection is at Cuddalore bypass and the Third intersection is at Across Cuddalore Port Railway station, these intersections have been chosen as there is the large flow of traffic at these intersections. Vehicular traffic movement is greater in these intersections, hence the probability of accidents will be more in these three intersections To reduce such accidents, this paper suggests a traffic regulatory device in the form of traffic signals at all three intersections and foot-over bride for pedestrians wherever required. Traffic census was carried out by the manual method at three intersections from 6:00 hours to 21:00 hours on all days. The data obtained satisfied the warrant for operating the traffic signal at all three intersections. The paper gives the detail of Traffic Flow and Road Capacity Cuddalore in the design of traffic signals by different methods at intersections which will permit the best turning movements in Cuddalore the design of pedestrian foot-over bridge wherever required.

Article Type


How To Cite

Atun RoyChoudhury, C. Karthik, V. Sarathkumar. "Estimation and Analysis of Traffic Density in Cuddalore District to Minimize Accidental Hazard with the Help of Process Flow Method".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.273-280, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 273-280

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